Cumberland University


Cumberland University is located in Lebanon, Tennessee. Founded in 1842, the university has an exceptional academic program steeped in the liberal arts.




Org chart

Paul C. Stumb

Paul C. Stumb

C. William McKee
Provost & VP, Academic Affairs
Mark Hanshaw
Associate Provost & General Counsel
Ron Pavan
VP, Athletics & VP, Facilities & Infrastructure
Reggie Blair
VP, Enrollment Services
Judy Jordan
VP, Finance
Courtney Wheeler
VP, Advancement
Joey A. Clark
Executive Director, Marketing & Communications
Abby Pitts
Executive Director, Student Support
Steve Giordano
Executive Director, Housing & Services
Leslie Steele
Executive Director, Office of the President
Melissa Page
Director, IT
Beatrice Lachance
Director, Financial Aid
Cindy Conley
Director, Office of Student Success
Logan Chitwood
Director, Dining Services
Libby O’Guin
Director, Student Life
Eddie Christian
Director, Counseling Services
Scotty Lewis
Director, Campus Safety & Security
Ray Lynn Crutcher
Director, Operations, Jeanette C Rudy School of Nursing & Health Professions
A. Wayne Ray III
Instructor, Music & Director, Athletic Bands
J. Michael Ripski
University Chaplain & Assistant Professor
Stephen Spann
Librarian & Instructor
Aaron S. Crawford
Associate Editor
Davia Sullivan
Library Assistant
Jessica Fenn
Librarian & Instructor