Kristy Noakes

University Council Member at Curtin University

Dr Kristy Noakes is the Technical Operations Manager, Science in the Faculty of Science and Engineering. Dr Noakes is responsible for the leadership and management of the Science technical operations and services portfolio and is accountable for ensuring that these services effectively support teaching,. learning and research.

Additional leadership and professional roles have included Business Manager for the Australian Journal of Education in Chemistry, Chairperson of the HSE Committee for the Minerals and Chemistry Precinct, Chair of the Curtin University Chemical Safety Committee, Chair of the Faculty of Science H&S Committee, Chair of the School of Molecular and Life Sciences H&S committee. Dr Noakes is a passionate leader amongst her peers in health and safety engaging across the University community to ensure the welfare of the staff and students is always in the forefront. Dr Noakes is a founding member of the University Hazardous Materials Technical Advisory Group, which was established to ensure comprehensive engagement across the Curtin community. Dr Noakes is an active participant and leader in her local community, taking on numerous volunteer roles.

Dr Noakes was recipient of the Faculty of Science and Engineering Pro-Vice Chancellor Professional Staff Award. In 2019, Dr Noakes contribution to leadership was acknowledged by co-award of the Vice Chancellors Excellence in Leadership Award for Professional Staff.

Dr Noakes has a Bachelor of Science (Applied Chemistry) and PhD from Curtin University.


  • University Council Member

    Current role