Leadership Team


The leadership team at cyberconIQ has a history of experience in various businesses and industries, as well as a variety of educational backgrounds. Senior Director, Global Services Partners at SAP Concur, CTO | National Practice Director - Security at Zones, Inc., Regional Director at ITS Partners, Managing Director, Sales & Operations at OnPlan Solutions, Founder, Director of Spontaneous Spontaneity at I'm No Expert, Project Manager, Fundraising at Nelson Civic Theatre Society, Deveoper at 8FoldMusic, and Web Integrator, Lotus Notes Developer at CSC are all companies that the leadership team has experience with. Highline College, Business/Managerial Economics, Albers School of Business and Economics at Seattle University, Economics, and University of Windsor, Computer Science are all types of education that the team has. This diverse range of experiences and education provides the team with a unique perspective and skillset that they can use to lead cyberconIQ into the future.

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