Dartmouth Investment and Philanthropy Program


The Dartmouth Investment and Philanthropy Program is an undergraduate, student-run organization that manages a $700,000+ equity portfolio. Each year, DIPP distributes a portion of its capital gains to local and international philanthropic endeavors. DIPP was established in 2007 after receiving see... Read more




Org chart

Shreya Jain
Investment Committee & Head Of Macroeconomic Outlook
Aravind Kandasamy
Investment Committee
Geoffrey Yang
Mihir Bagul
Co President
Thomas Policicchio
Investment Committee
Zachary Seburn
Investment Analyst
Garrett Hinsley Cheng
Portfolio Manager
Arjun Anand
Investment Committee
Daniel L.
Portfolio Monitor
General Member
Emma Choi (Wansue)
Investment Committee
Linh le (Hazel)
Investment Committee
Jake Lotreck
Investment Committee
Jason Whang
Investment Committee, Co-head Of Philanthropy
John Worden
Portfolio Monitor
Nicholas Higginbotham
Portfolio Monitor
Preston Lim
Investment Committee
Rohan Kommuri
Portfolio Monitor
Sarah M.
Financial Analyst
Stephanie Zoltick
Investment Committee
Warren Klein
Investment Committee