Dendreon Pharmaceuticals, Inc.


Learn how Dendreon Pharmaceuticals is harnessing the power of the immune system to fight cancer and help extend patients’ lives with personalized therapies.





Org chart

Michael Allen
Vice president, Information Technology
Bruce Johnson
Vice President, IMF Operations
Dennis Aeling
Associate General Counsel
Fang Wang
Deputy Chief Financial Officer
Kevin Helmbacher
SVP of Legal and Compliance and General Counsel
Nadeem Sheikh
VP Research & Manufacturing Sciences
Serena Stewart
Vice President, Patient Operations
Sherry Saurini
Head of Quality @Dendreon Pharmaceuticals
John Matthews
Director, Human Resources / HR Department Head
Amy Coachman
Head Of Marketing
Bill McMillion
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist
Eric Smith
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist
Jason Lunetta
Manager, Corporate Accounts At Dendreon
Patrick Stinson
Corporate Account Director-southeast
Sandy Kotecki
Immunotherapy Sales Specialist
Sarah Amato
Oncology Sales Specialist
Scott Tupman
Corporate Account Manager/ Oncology-urology