Milena Milovic Blagojevic

Communications Director & Proposal Development Manager at Development Professionals

Milena Milovic Blagojevic has over 17 years of professional experience working on initiatives funded by different donors and in different development sectors. She has extensive experience with project design, monitoring and evaluation, project reporting, as well as managing a wide communication and outreach portfolio through diverse tools and platforms. For five years she was part of an EU regional project, Cross Border Institution Building (CBIB), supporting the launching of IPA cross-border programs in the Western Balkans. Her main tasks included reporting and performance monitoring, as well as handling a five-language project website, drafting and editing a regional magazine and newsletter, and organizing press and other events across the Balkans. For the past 10 years, she has worked on two consecutive USAID rule of law projects in Serbia. She managed both people and processes related to compliance with monitoring, reporting, visibility, and procurement guidelines, while simultaneously performing as the communications director. To this end, Milena worked on building social media presence, developing and maintaining projects’ websites, liaising with USAID to ensure client awareness of the projects’ results and successes, as well as creating publications, videos, and other promotional materials. She was also part of the team that created the 2018-2022 Communications Strategy for the Serbian judiciary, delivered workshops for Serbian court information officers, as well as created a starter kit for newly appointed court PRs with practical advice on successful communication with all target audiences. Milena has a BA degree in English Language and Literature, and is in the process of obtaining an MA in Communications and PR. She is a passionate reader, and writer, with a penchant for art and architecture.


  • Communications Director & Proposal Development Manager

    Current role