The Legal and Compliance team at the DFSA is responsible for ensuring that the authority and its regulated entities adhere to legal standards and regulatory requirements. This team oversees enforcement actions, develops legal policies, and supervises compliance with Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorist Financing (CTF) regulations. Through investigations and legal counsel, they maintain the integrity of the financial services sector within the DIFC.
Andrew Bojkowski
Associate Director, Prudential...
Azat S.
Manager, Policy & Legal
David Aspinall
Senior Manager - Financial Cri...
Elena Mendoza Sánche...
Manager Enforcement
Elisabeth Wallace
Associate Director, Policy & L...
Emma K.
Investigations Officer, Unauth...
Sara Kalban
Director, Financial Crime Supe...
Teona Kontridze
Senior Manager - Policy And Le...
Tim Jackman
Senior Manager - Enforcement
Will L.
Senior Legal Counsel
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