Digital Air Strike


Digital Air Strike is the leading social media technology, social recruiting, digital engagement and lead response company.

Org chart

Alexi Venneri's profile picture


Alexi Venneri
Co-Founder & CEO
Profile photo

Alexi Venneri

Adam Simms' profile picture
Adam Simms
Co-Founder and Chairman
Hayley Ringle's profile picture
Hayley Ringle
Senior Communications And Public Relations Contractor
Sarah Barr
Vice President Marketing
Joshua Moyer
Video Campaign Specialist
Leslie Strasshofer
Senior Project Manager
Haley Higdon
Video Editor / Graphic Designer
Eric Caraig
Creative Team Lead
Garrett Staehs
Senior Graphic Designer
Daniel Aston
Vice President Of Engineering
Ethan Johnson
Technology Director | Inventory Solutions
Robert Colins
Recruitment Director - IT & Technology
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