
1 follower

Dott believes that collaborating with the municipalities and communities can create more inclusive cityscapes with less congestion and pollution for people, cities, and the planet.





Org chart

Henri Moissinac
Co-Founder & CEO

Henri Moissinac

Maxim Romain
Co-Founder & COO
Cleo Becker
Chief Legal Officer
Kristina Gibson
Head of Product & Growth, Rider
Laurent Kennel
Head of Strategy & Market Development
Matthieu Faure
Head of Marketing & Communications
Sebastian Schlebusch
Head of Market Development
Merlyn Bijnsdorp
Chief People Officer
Jacopo Dominione
Corporate Strategy And Financial Planning & Analysis Director
Julia Zaytseva
Senior Product Designer
Andreas Weinberger
Chief Strategy And Transformation Officer
Mayeul de Butler
Health & Safety Global Lead
Thomas MacQuart
Software Engineering Manager
Jochen Nooren
Mechanical Engineering Manager
Will Johnson
Manager, Vehicle Systems
Alexander Rass
Head Of Data