James E. Beebe

Manager, Tax Accounting Group at Duane Morris

James E. Beebe has over 20 years of diverse experience in the areas of federal, state and local income taxation, with a particular emphasis on tax compliance, planning and tax minimization strategies for a diverse client base including high net worth individuals and closely held businesses. He has significant accounting experience, including analysis of financial transactions, trends and operating results, and the preparation and analysis of financial statements and related disclosures. He also devotes his practice to multi-state inheritance tax compliance and planning activities.

Jim is a contributing author to the Tax Accounting Group's Client Alerts and other tax and financial publications designed specifically for their clients. He is committed to non-profit service and is active in the community by serving as treasurer for a local non-profit focused on Arts and Culture as well as Cultural and Ethnic Awareness. He graduated from Wilmington University with a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Accounting & Finance and is currently pursuing his Certified Public Accountant (CPA) designation.