Ryan Walker

Scientific Co-Founder at Elevian

Dr. Walker is one of the leading experts in TGFβ family proteins, having solved crystal structures of GDF8 and GDF11. He holds a PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine where he received his structural and biochemical training from Dr. Tom Thompson. During this time, he studied structural-based mechanisms of TGFβ regulation, protein dynamics of apolipoproteins, and completed sponsored research projects in collaboration with Pfizer and Acceleron Pharma. While at UC, he was supported by an American Heart Association predoctoral fellowship and was awarded the Graduate Dean’s Fellowship. He also received The Excellence in Research Award for his dissertation work. He then matriculated as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow into Dr. Richard Lee’s laboratory at Harvard University to investigate the role of specific proteins, including GDF8 and GDF11, known to be involved in aging and degenerative processes. Dr. Walker received his B.S. in zoology and M.S. in neuroscience from Miami University. Dr. Walker supports the research sponsored by Elevian at Harvard in Dr. Lee’s laboratory studying rGDF11 pharmacokinetics, antibody characterization and cardiovascular indication preclinical models and advises on protein engineering efforts related to the development GDF11, GDF11 variants, and other protein therapeutics for Elevian.