Employers Health

1 follower


Since 1983, Employers Health has provided resources, tools and expertise to help plan sponsors deliver access to high-quality health benefits at a sustainable cost. Today, Employers Health is a leading group purchasing organization for pharmacy benefits. Our team of PBM experts commits to staying a... Read more


Canton, US




Org chart

Christopher Goff
CEO and General Counsel

Christopher Goff

Chris Reynolds
Vice President, Operations And Information Technology
Zachary Hostetler
Chief Operating Officer
Matthew Harman
VP, Clinical Solutions
Jay Withee
VP, Client Solutions
Emily Clevenger
Vice President, Marketing And Communications
Diane Fitzpatrick
Administrative Assistant
Lori Wasko
Events Coordinator
Michael Stull
Chief Sales Officer
Josh Pedrozo
VP, Client Solutions
Madison Connor
SVP, Regulatory Compliance & External Affairs
David Uldricks
VP, PBM Contracting & Strategy