Jill Ramondo

Director, Customer Education and Services Development at Energage

Jill Ramondo has worked in various roles across several companies. In 2014, they began working at Energage as the Director of Customer Education and Services Development. Jill later moved to a Manager role in the same department and then to a Customer Education Manager role. Jill then served as a Customer Success Manager, where they were responsible for making the world a better place to work together. Jill then moved to an Account Manager role. In 2012, they began working at La Weight Loss as a Sales Manager/Counselor. In 2007, they began working at Automotive Training Center as a High School Admissions Representative. Finally, in 2001, they began working at La Weight Loss again as a Sales Manager/Counselor.

Jill Ramondo is currently enrolled at Purdue University Global, where they are pursuing a Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) with a concentration in Human Resource Management. Jill also holds a Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) from York College of Pennsylvania, where they specialized in English/Language Arts Teacher Education.
