Jose Consuegra

Senior Geomechanics Engineer at Enovate Upstream

Jose Consuegra is a senior geomechanics engineer for the Oil & Gas industry. He received his B.S in Civil Engineer from Industrial University of Santander – UIS (Colombia) and his MSc in Rock Mechanics from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro – PUC-Rio (Brazil).

Jose began his career as geomechanics engineer in 2010 when he joined the Group of Technology and Petroleum Engineering – GTEP (Brazil) and leave the group when he finished his masters. Jose has more than nine years of experience and he has enjoyed participating in geomechanics projects for the Oil & Gas industry, including research and consulting, which have allowed him to grow and establish himself in this highly competitive industry.

His experience goes through drilling, completion, and reservoir geomechanics applications for local and worldwide projects. Additionally, Jose has worked as a university professor in institutions such as the Javeriana University of Bogota in the Department of Civil Engineering and is the author of some articles related to wellbore stability and pore pressure prediction. In his free time, he likes to cook, listen to music, play soccer, study, and working out but not to be a bodybuilder. He is currently working as a consulting geomechanics engineer.