Ian Cheong

CoFounder at Entopsis

Ian Cheong started as a lawyer in 1999. In the course of his work in a law firm, Ian had the opportunity to interact with scientifically-trained clients. After deciding that science was too much fun to be left to the scientists, he left his job at the law firm to train as a scientist. Ian enrolled as a science undergraduate, but a year and a half into his studies, he was offered a scholarship to attend graduate school at the John Hopkins University. Focusing on cancer therapeutics, he completed his thesis (2007) and post-doctoral research (2010) under Bert Vogelstein MD. During this time, Ian also received an award at the Collegiate Inventors Competition. Ian is currently involved in Entopsis in an advisory position and handles computational aspects of Entopsis’s technology. Ian is also a Principal Investigator at the Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory in Singapore where he conducts research pertaining to drug delivery.


  • CoFounder

    Current role