EPAM Continuum

1 follower

EPAM Continuum is a global innovation design consultancy. Their work is informed by the needs, desires, and aspirations of people: customers, patients, citizens, and those who make their client organizations work.






Org chart

Gianfranco Zaccai

Jon Campbell
Head of Experience & Service Design
Chris Michaud
Head of EPAM Continuum
Heather Reavey
Head of Practice Innovation
Venky Ramesh
VP & Business Consulting Head, Consumer Industries (cpg, Retail, Travel & Hospitality)
Kate Lindeen
Senior Director, Experience Design. Discipline Head, Visual Design.
Ken Gordon
Chief Communications Specialist
Kyp Pilalas
Chief IT Infrastructure Support Engineer
Jeffrey Knight
Chief Learning And Development Specialist At EPAM Continuum
Brad Dunham
Contract Negotiator
Pietro Duchi
Director, Innovation Consulting
Angela Cheng
Senior User Experience Designer
Jiun Y.
Senior Experience Designer