Episcopal Diocese of Missouri


The Mission of the Diocese of Missouri is the mission of all baptized Christians: to teach and to spread the Gospel and its knowledge of salvation to all people; and to make the love of Christ known in the world through our own actions as individuals, as congregations, and as the Diocese, by feeding... Read more





Org chart

Deon K. Johnson
Bishop of The Episcopal Diocese of Missouri

Deon K. Johnson

Canon Doris Westfall
Canon to the Ordinary
Canon Desiree Brattin
Canon for Finance & Administration
Canon Whitney Rice
Canon for Evangelism & Discipleship Development
Harry Leip
Archdeacon, Diocese of Missouri & Deacon, Trinity Episcopal Church Central West End
Hope Jernagan
Chaplain, Rockwell House Episcopal Campus Ministry in St. Louis
Susan G. Rehkopf
Diocesan Archivist & Registrar
Erin Pickersgill
Ministry Developer for Children & Youth
Aaron Rogers
Diocesan Ministry Developer for Young Adult Ministry
Dan Smith
Canon To The Ordinary
Dayna Jewson
Deacon At St Luke S Episcopal Church
Jillian Smith
Executive Assistant To The Bishop
Parker Williams
Missioner For Creation Care And Stewardship
William Nesbit Jr
Licensed Priest
Teresa Danieley
Missioner For Public Advocacy