Equity Services, Inc.


Since its founding in 1968, Equity Services, Inc. (ESI) has been committed to making investing as successful as possible for clients while also recognizing that today's investing environment is one of constantly increasing complexity. ESI's products and services are designed to form the critical fou... Read more

Org chart

Ata Azarshahi's profile picture
Ata Azarshahi
President and Chief Executive Officer
Profile photo

Ata Azarshahi

Heather Ainsworth's profile picture
Heather Ainsworth
Business Delivery Lead
Eric Kucinskas' profile picture
Eric Kucinskas
Head Of Finance
John Keenan Clu, Chfc, ®'s profile picture
John Keenan Clu, Chfc, ®
Svp. Business Development And Sales
Gregory Teese
Chief Operations Officer
Robert Franklin's profile picture
Robert Franklin
Chief Compliance Officer