Kirke Kangro

Dean of Faculty of Fine Arts at EKA

Kirke Kangro lives and works in Tallinn. She studied interdisciplinary art (MA) and sculpture (BA) at the Estonian Academy of Arts. Kangro has been noted for her installations and sculptures as well as curating.

Critics praise her characteristic black and gloomy use of form. For the most part, the darkness is eased for viewers by a potent dose of the absurd, stemming from her preference for soft materials.

Kangro’s works pose some of the most essential questions that people occasionally ask but tend to lack simple answers for. Since 1994, Kangro has taken part in exhibitions in Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia and the Netherlands and symposia in Estonia, Turkey, Finland, Sweden, the Netherlands, France, Italy, Spain, Russia, Belgium, Germany, England, Japan and China. She currently serves as dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Estonian Academy of Arts and professor at the chair of installation and sculpture.

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