Can Gire

Specialist, Software Development at Etiya

Can Gire has work experience in the field of software development. In 2022, they worked as a Junior Full Stack Developer at BilgeAdam Teknoloji until April 2023. In April 2023, they joined Etiya as a Specialist in Software Development.

Can Gire completed a Master's degree in Bilişim (Computer Science) from Hacettepe University between 2020 and 2023. can also pursued additional certifications, including the Fundamentals of Customer Centricity and Information Framework (SID) Foundation Level Exam from TM Forum, Akbank Veri Analizi Bootcamp and Aygaz Python Bootcamp from Global AI Hub, Digital Talent Summit from Digital Talent Summit, Deep Learning Bootcamp, Python for Machine Learning, Introduction to Python, Veri Tabanına Giriş (Introduction to Databases), Veri Görselleştirme (Data Visualization), Hands-on Data Visualization with Python, and Veri Analizi (Data Analysis) from Global AI Hub, and the Bilgi Teknolojileri Sertifika Programı (Information Technologies Certification Program) from Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Middle East Technical University). Prior to their Master's degree, Can Gire studied as a fizyoterapist (physiotherapist) at Hacettepe University from 2014 to 2019.



  • Specialist, Software Development

    April, 2023 - present