Peter Ricci

Vice President at EVR Advertising

Pete is a self-admitted geek and social media native who gets pumped for both the big idea and big data points.

He seemed destined for a career that mixed his creative and analytical sides when he was penning a comic strip for his high school newspaper and creating his first Angelfire website. Apparently, he didn’t know it at the time and went off to college to study psychology.

His plans changed, but his ability to balance left brain sensibility and right brain ingenuity is evident today as he guides EVR’s creative and digital services. He has a unique ability to foster a collaborative spirit true to the agency’s roots, whether it’s tossing out ideas during a late-night brainstorming session or beating up the latest campaign report. Pete is a bridge to the accounts and media teams, routinely helping mold various agency skill sets together into the next big integrated campaign.

The once aspiring psych major’s keen interest in neuroscience sparks an intense desire to get into the mind of the consumer, something that lends nicely to EVR’s marketing strategy, brand development and persona modeling services.

The multiple industry evolutions Pete has lived through continually fuels his enthusiasm for new trends and the next big thing.


  • Vice President

    Current role