Al Ameen Ashik

Supply Chain Specialist at Fastenal



Brno, Czechia


Org chart

Work style

How I prefer to work

Remote & Office


Mostly in a team

Qualities I value in my colleagues

  • Patience
  • team spirit
  • integrity
  • work ethic
  • bias toward action

Well! They should be very friendly and without time being provides help. Also so concerned about work ethic with happy environment.

My communication style

  • Polite
  • thoughtful
  • proactive
  • positive
  • clear

I could to like communicate with other by what appearing/strikes in instinct of mind.

My pet peeves

  • Poor communication
  • arrogance
  • inauthenticity
  • close-mindedness
  • impatience

Fun fact

I have made a food order of bacon burger without bacon.

Personal Q&A

  • How do you like to receive feedback?

    I would like my co-workers to describe about me in externally and internally. It could helps to become a perfect fit to company culture.


  • Supply Chain Specialist

    Current role