Felicia Obozuwa

Divisional Head of Corporate Services and Service Management at First City Monument Bank

Felicia Obozuwa is the Divisional Head, Corporate Services Division. Before her appointment as the Divisional Head of Human Resources and Change Management (HRCM), she was Vice President and Group Head of Premium Banking.

Felicia graduated in 1995 with an honors degree in Law from the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. She joined FCMB as a management trainee in 1998. After six years of successful service in Corporate Banking, she transitioned into Commercial Banking as manager of Ikeja Branch.

Following her MBA at the University of Exeter (United Kingdom) in 2006, she was appointed Head of Product Development for Consumer Banking, and subsequently launched the Wealth Management Business, which evolved into the Premium Banking Segment of Retail Banking.