FEG Investment Advisors


FEG is an independently-owned advisory firm that provides investment consulting, outsourced chief investment officer (OCIO), and research services to predominantly institutional clients, such as university endowments, private and public foundations, religious organizations, healthcare institutions,... Read more


Cincinnati, US




Org chart

Alan Lenahan

Reba Perry
Vice President Human Resources
Gregory Dowling Cfa, Caia
Managing Principal/cio/head Of Research
Sarah Wessling
Vice President Growth Strategy
Rob Jennings
Chief Operating Officer
Devinne Verst
Head Of Client Development
Jere Whiteley
Vice President, Sales & Relationship Management
Kurt Krebs
Chief Financial Officer
Nolan Bean Cfa, Caia
Chief Investment Officer Head Of Portfolio Management
Brian Hooper
Senior Vice President, Director Of Global Public Equity
David D. Center
Senior Vice President
Scott Tabor Caia
Senior Vice President, Director Of Private Equity
Tim O'Donnell Caia
Senior Vice President
Andrew Boedecker
Vice President- Client Service
Taylor McNamara
Vice President, Client Development
Wes McKeown
Vice President Client Development
Julie Thomas
Chief Compliance Officer