Paolo Maria Vittorio Grandi

Chief Governance Officer at Fideuram - Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking S.p.A.

Paolo Maria Vittorio Grandi graduated 'cum Laude in Political Science from the Cattolica University of Milan and completed specialization studies at the International Centre for Monetary and Banking Studies in Geneva.

In his capacity as Chief Governance Officer, he is in charge - inter alia - of the Legal Affairs Department - Group General Counsel, the Corporate Bodies and Corporate Affairs Department, the M&A and Group Shareholdings Department, and the Art, Culture, and Heritage Department. From 1979 to 1982, he worked at the Headquarters of Credito Italiano. In 1982, he joined Mediocredito Lombardo where, from 1990, as head of private equity, acquisition finance, and corporate finance activities, he organized and developed the activities of its parent company Cariplo in the merchant banking business. In December 2000, he moved to Banca Intesa as co-head of the Private Equity Department. In June 2002, he became responsible for the Shareholdings Department of Banca Intesa, reporting directly to the CEO of Banca Intesa, a position that included - inter alia - the responsibility for the Group’s Mergers & Acquisitions. In that period Mr. Grandi was also a board director of Telecom, SIA S.p.A., Eurizon Capital, Agos S.p.A., and some Companies within Intesa Sanpaolo Group. He is currently a board director of the following companies: Fideuram - ISP Private Banking (Chairman, since 20.4.2018), Banca IMI (since 23.04.2013), Banca Prossima (Chairman, since 16.10.2007), Intesa Sanpaolo Holding International SA Lussemburgo (Chairman, since 22.03.2004), ABI - the Italian Banking Association (since 10.07.2014), PFH Palladio Holding S.p.A. - previously Palladio Finanziaria S.p.A. (since 07.05.2014), Istituto Europeo di Oncologia (since 20.04.2006), Fondazione Cerba (since 27.06.2016), Consorzio PAN (Chairman, since 15.03.2004).


  • F

    Chief Governance Officer

    Current role