Shannon Cosentino-Roush

Chief Strategy Officer at Finless Foods

Shannon Cosentino-Roush is the Chief Strategy Officer at Finless Foods. Having worked on sustainable fisheries and ocean policy both nationally and internationally, she prides herself on being an intuitive and innovative policy strategist. Shannon holds a B.S. in Political Science from Santa Clara University and a J.D. and Master of Environmental Law and Policy from Vermont Law School. Her studies centered around her passion for creating international policies and systems to ensure a healthy, thriving ocean.

Prior to her current position, Shannon spent time working at the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the US Government (NOAA), various NGOs, and developing a zero-waste hackathon in partnership with NYC’s Department of Sanitation. In her role at Finless Foods, she works collaboratively with ocean conservation experts, seafood industry representatives, national regulators such as the FDA, and strategic partners such as the Alliance for Meat, Poultry, and Seafood Innovation to best achieve Finless’s goals. When Shannon’s not working, she loves to spend time hiking in the mountains behind her home, or anywhere near the ocean. She also is passionate about lending her time and support to various environmental causes and organizations, local to global. If Shannon could relive any of her adventures, it would be her summer spent rehabilitating sea turtles in Malta and studying bluefin tuna in Italy.



  • Chief Strategy Officer

    Current role