Mayank Goyal

Advisor at Fluid Biomed Inc.

Mayank Goyal, MD PhD, is a Professor in the Department of Radiology and Clinical Neurosciences at the University of Calgary and the Director of Imaging and Endovascular treatment at the Calgary Stroke Program, one of the world’s most renowned stroke programs. Dr. Goyal’s passion and main research interest is acute stroke imaging, workflow and intervention. With 285 peer-review manuscripts (including NEJM, Lancet Neurology, Radiology, Circulation, ANJR, Stroke), >35 editorials and opinion pieces, over 300 abstracts and >200 invite lectureships, Mayank has been an integral contributor in furthering the field of Stroke intervention research. He was one of the Principal Investigators in two global multi-centric trials in the field: ESCAPE and SWIFT PRIME (both published in NEJM). A citation index of 39177, an h-index of 73 and an i10 index of 380 (Google scholar, Jan 2021) are testimony to Dr. Goyal’s vast contribution and influence in the world of Stroke research. Bestowed with several honours and awards including the Outstanding Contributions in Research Award (American Society of Neuroradiology, 2020), and the Lifetime Contribution Award (Canadian Association of Radiology, 2018), Mayank continues to weave and expand the worldwide teaching network in the fields of Stroke imaging and intervention.


  • Advisor

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