Franciscan Friars of the Atonement

1 follower

Over a century ago, Servant of God Father Paul Wattson, SA, the founder of the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement, was searching for a name for a new religious society. Opening the scriptures at random, his eyes fell upon the eleventh verse of the fift...





Org chart

Brian F. Terry
Minister General

Brian F. Terry

James Loughran
Vicar General, 1st Councilor
Timothy MacDonald
2nd Councilor
Daniel Callahan
3rd Councilor
Robert Langone
4th Councilor
Jose Delgado
Director of Vocations and Formation in Lima, Peru.
Brian Palmer
Director Of Information Technology
Jillian Lubarsky
Chief Communications Officer
Lisa Quist
Chief Development & Mission Advancement Officer
Sandra Nealis Landsman
Chief Human Resources Officer