⭐️ Stephen Sykes

Head of Product at Freska

Stephen Sykes has a long and varied work experience. ⭐️ Stephen started their career in 1998 as a Technical employee for Chrysalis Group. In 2001, they were promoted to Director at Chrysalis Radio Online. In 2006, they became the Owner of Switchstep, and in 2010 they took on a Contract Development role at Maxisat Oy. In 2011, they became an iOS Developer at Hopeinen Norsu Oy. In 2012, they were a Developer of TotalSpaces at BinaryAge. In 2015, they founded LibPixel and in 2016 they became a Senior/Lead Software Engineer at F-Secure Corporation. Most recently, in 2018, they became the Head of Product at Freska.

Stephen Sykes attended the University of Warwick.


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