Gardner Aerospace


Gardner Aerospace is a leading global provider of integrated manufacturing solutions for the aerospace industry. With a strong focus on delivering high-quality components, Gardner Aerospace offers machining, sheet metal fabrication, assembly, and logistic services. Based in the UK, EU and Asia, th... Read more


Derby, GB




Org chart

Philipp Visotschnig
Chief Executive Officer

Philipp Visotschnig

James Males
Chief Program Officer
Tom Earnshaw
Lead 1st Line Support Engineer
David Hughes
Chief Operating Officer
Esther Boocock
Enabled Products Lead
Jing Shi
Group Finance Director
Ryan Webster
MPS And Digital Transformation Manager
Carl Fox
Sales Manager Gardner Aerospace
Anete Flynn
Senior Customer Account Manager
David Perkins
Site Quality Manager
Duncan Hardie
Group Quality Manager
Jason Potter
Quality Manager
Manoj Kumar H.b
Manager EHS And Continuous Improvement
Matthew Rae
Head Of Manufacturing Quality Methods
Matthew Payne
Quality Manager