Groupe Rémabec


Founded in 1988, Groupe Rémabec is a pillar of the Quebec forest industry. The company is a model of integrated organization specializing in three closely related niches of excellence: forest operations, ligneous matter processing, and wood product sales on international markets. Groupe Rémabec is t... Read more





Org chart

Réjean Paré
President and Head of Operations

Réjean Paré

Alain Lemieux
VP, Finance
Jacques Dussault
VP, Sawmill Operations and Biofuel - Port-Cartier
Paul Grondin
VP, Manufacturing Operations - Lumber Lac-St-Jean-Mauricie
Roger Tremblay
VP, Forest Operations
Sarah Laprise-Martel
VP, Legal Services and Corporate Affairs
Alain Lemieux Cpa, Ca
Vice President Finance
Annick Turgeon-Gagnon
Chef Mesureur, Division Arbec
Eric Bernier
Directeur Général Operations Forestieres Lac St Jean Cote Nord
Eric Lebreux
Directeur Général Scierie
Janick Beaulieu
Directeur Général - Gestion Des Filiales
Paul Grondin Cpa, Cga
Vice Président