The Committee & Liaison Roles team at GALA plays a crucial part in fostering collaboration and communication among members by managing various committees and special interest groups. They facilitate discussions, drive initiatives, and oversee scholarship programs that enhance professional development in the globalization and localization sectors. Additionally, team members serve as vital links between the board of directors and various committees, ensuring that members' voices are represented and operational goals are achieved effectively.
Britta Aagaard
Chair Of The Board Of Director...
Dave Ruane
(finance Committee Liaison)
Edith Bendermacher
(governance Committee And Risi...
Johan Botha
Member Programs Committee
Johan Sporre
Jose Palomares
(vice Chairperson & Governance...
Paulo Guimarães
Member Board Of Directors
Shirley Yeng
(treasurer And Finance Committ...
Viviana Bernabe
Interpreting & Technologies SI...