Riikka Vilminko-Heikkinen

Director, Sales & Customer Value at Gofore

Riikka Vilminko-Heikkinen has acted as Director of Sales and Customer Value at the company since 2021. Previously, Vilminko-Heikkinen acted as Director of Business and Sales Development in public sector of the company during 2019-2021. Prior to this, she acted as Business Manager during 2017-2019, being responsible fo business and sales of municipalities and government, and as a consultant during 2016-2017. Prior to joining Gofore, Vilminko-Heikkinen worked at the City of Tampere, being responsible for developing the information architecture during 2011-2015, and acting as Project Manager during 2007-2011. Vilminko-Heikkinen has been Member of the Board at ICT committee of Tampere Chamber of Commerce since 2022.
