Rafał Warpechowski

Financial Director at Grupa Kety SA

Mr. Rafał Warpechowski is a graduate of the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology. In 1996, he obtained the MBA (Master of Business Administration) title as part of the program prepared by the Warsaw University of Technology, HEC School of Management (Paris), London Business School and the Norwegian School of Economics. In 2011, he completed the ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) qualification process. He has 25 years of professional experience in the field of finance, in particular in the field of reporting, planning, management information systems and investor relations, gained in international capital groups listed on stock exchanges . From October 1, 2019, he is a Member of the Management Board and Financial Director of Grupa KĘTY SA In 2008-2018 he was the Executive Director for Planning and Reporting at the ORLEN Group, in 2003-2008 he was responsible for the accounting area of ​​Telekomunikacja Polska (currently Orange Polska), in 1998-2003 he was the Financial Director for Planning and Development of the Impexmetal Group, in 1996-1998 he worked in the consulting company PriceWaterhouse. He has served in the bodies of many companies from the above-mentioned capital groups, including the President of the Management Board of ORLEN Centrum Usług Korporacyjnych, Member of the Management Board of UNIPETROL Services, Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board of ORLEN Paliwa, Member of Supervisory Boards of UNIPETROL, TP Emitel, Huta Zawiercie, Walcownia Metali Nieżelaznych Szopienice. in 2003-2008 he was responsible for the accounting area of ​​Telekomunikacja Polska (currently Orange Polska), in 1998-2003 he was the Financial Director for Planning and Development of the Impexmetal Group, in 1996-1998 he worked in the consulting company PriceWaterhouse. He has served in the bodies of many companies from the above-mentioned capital groups, including the President of the Management Board of ORLEN Centrum Usług Korporacyjnych, Member of the Management Board of UNIPETROL Services, Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board of ORLEN Paliwa, Member of Supervisory Boards of UNIPETROL, TP Emitel, Huta Zawiercie, Walcownia Metali Nieżelaznych Szopienice. in 2003-2008 he was responsible for the accounting area of ​​Telekomunikacja Polska (currently Orange Polska), in 1998-2003 he was the Financial Director for Planning and Development of the Impexmetal Group, in 1996-1998 he worked in the consulting company PriceWaterhouse. He has served in the bodies of many companies from the above-mentioned capital groups, including the President of the Management Board of ORLEN Centrum Usług Korporacyjnych, Member of the Management Board of UNIPETROL Services, Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board of ORLEN Paliwa, Member of Supervisory Boards of UNIPETROL, TP Emitel, Huta Zawiercie, Walcownia Metali Nieżelaznych Szopienice.



  • G

    Financial Director

    Current role