Gulfstream Aerospace


Gulfstream engineers, manufactures and services the world's finest business aircraft.

Org chart

Mark Burns' profile picture
Mark Burns
President, Gulfstream Aerospace Corp. and a Vice President of General Dynamics
Profile photo

Mark Burns

Derek Zimmerman's profile picture
Derek Zimmerman
President, Gulfstream Customer Support
Josh Thompson's profile picture
Jeannine Haas' profile picture
Jeannine Haas
SVP, Chief Marketing Officer
Amy Ariano's profile picture
Amy Ariano
SVP & Chief People Officer
Ira Berman's profile picture
Ira Berman
SVP, Administration & General Counsel
Dennis Stuligross' profile picture
Dennis Stuligross
SVP, Program Management, Quality & Supply Chain
Scott Neal
SVP, Worldwide Sales
Vicki Britt
SVP, Innovation, Engineering & Flight
Greg Collett
SVP, Manufacturing & Completions
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