Ashlyn Dadkhah

Research Analyst at Harder+Company Community Research

Ashlyn offers rich experience in social work and community advocacy, with a background in family health, supportive housing, and youth development. She has experience with patient and participant outreach; meeting facilitation; various database softwares; data collection and analysis; and reporting research findings. In particular, she is skilled at using evidence-based practices including motivational interviewing, and trauma-informed care.

Prior to joining Harder+Company, Ashlyn was a family advocate at the YMCA of the East Bay Head Start program. She also served as a community health fellow for Lifelong Medical Care and as a support counselor at West Coast Children’s Clinic. Her research and evaluation work is rooted in equity and community-centered design and she seeks to counter the societal inequities evident in the dominant consulting framework that too often wield data as an instrument of oppression. She is committed to transforming the use of data as a means of accountability and collective action. Ashlyn is also a jewelry artist and community organizer.


  • Research Analyst

    Current role