Cris Morton

Group President at Havas Life

Cris has been with Havas Health & You for 10 years and in the industry for 25 years. He arrived in the healthcare communications industry a bit by accident.

He’d always wanted to move to New York City and work in advertising. Long story, very short…Cris started at a consumer shop within the Omnicom Network fresh out of college and within a few weeks, got moved over to one of the healthcare groups because of a big new business win (that agency is now known as TBWA\Health).

Human Purpose is meaningful to Cris because it anchors everything he does around a mission to help people lead healthier, more informed lives. Cris tries to remind himself that his work is really, at the end of the day, focused on making a real impact on human beings. He strongly believes that knowledge is power. And the more people understand their health and have strong awareness of how to proactively manage their wellness, the more productive and fulfilled they will be.

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