Heart of Florida United Way


Heart of Florida United Way fights for the health, education and financial stability of every person in Central Florida. At HFUW, we believe that circumstances should not determine potential. Every day, we fight to shrink the gap so Central Floridians have the opportunities to achieve their full p... Read more





Org chart

Jeff Hayward
President And CEO

Jeff Hayward

Bill Clinton
Chief Operating Officer
Graciela Noriega Jacoby
Chief Operating Officer
Carolyn Shermer
Senior Vice President, Information Technology
Lawton Chiles
Senior Vice President, Strategic Impact And Community Engagement
Mary Larsen
Senior Vice President, Strategic Impact And Community Engagement
Ray Larsen
Senior Vice President, Strategic Impact And Community Engagement
Raymond L. Larsen
Senior Vice President, Strategic Impact And Community Engagement
Susan Makowski
Vice President, Resource Development
Frank Guerriero
Morgan Stanley Wealth Management
Jessica Ganson
Senior Vice President, Human Resources