HM Revenue & Customs


HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is the UK’s tax, payments and customs authority. We collect the money that pays for the UK’s public services and help families and individuals with targeted financial support. We help the honest majority to get their taxes and payments right, and make it hard for the d... Read more





Org chart

Jim Harra Cb
First Permanent Secretary and Chief Executive

Jim Harra Cb

Angela Macdonald
Deputy Chief Executive and Second Permanent Secretary
Penny Ciniewicz
Director General Customer Compliance
Jonathan Athow
Director General Customer Strategy and Tax Design
Daljit Rehal
Chief Digital and Information Officer
Justin Holliday
Tax Assurance Commissioner, Chief Finance Officer
Alan Evans
General Counsel and Solicitor
Carol Bristow
Director General Borders and Trade
Charlotte Moar
Non Executive Director Of Audit & Risk Committee
Dyanne Sargeant Chpp
Programme Director