Homeward Bound of Marin


Homeward Bound of Marin operates on the premise of ending homelessness through training, housing and hope. Fourteen residential programs serve families and individuals, including veterans and people struggling with mental illness. Homeward Bound operates job training and social enterprise ventures a... Read more




Org chart

Mary Kay Sweeney
Co-Chief Executive Officer

Mary Kay Sweeney

Rocky Packard
Social Enterprise Manager
Kevin Judd
Director Of Finance
Andrea C. Rey
Community Engagement & Project Manager At Homeward Bound Of Marin
Lasaunda Tate
Chief Operating Officer
Anna Hurtado Mpa
Chief Program Officer
America Arevalo
Senior Housing Specialist
Cieara Berringer
Housing Focused Case Manager
Dena Martin
Housing Focused Case Manager
Debra Walker
Housing Focused Case Manager