Rogier van der Sande

Dijkgraaf at Hoogheemraadschap van Rijnland

Rogier van der Sande is the Dijkgraaf at Hoogheemraadschap van Rijnland, overseeing protection against sea and floods. Rogier also serves as the Voorzitter Bestuur at Unie van Waterschappen, responsible for water management. Additionally, Rogier holds various nevenfuncties such as Voorzitter at Pieterskerk Leiden, Stichting Vrienden van Roomburg, and Stichting Cultuureducatiegroep. With a background in political science from Leiden University, Rogier has also been involved in roles such as Lid at Europees Comité van de Regio's and Vice-president Political Bureau at CPMR.



  • Dijkgraaf

    September, 2017 - present

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