Liu Yunxia

VP at Huaxin Cement Co Ltd

Born in September 1968 , MBA, senior engineer. In 1989 , he graduated from Wuhan University of Technology (now Wuhan University of Technology), majoring in Portland Engineering, with a bachelor's degree in engineering; in 2006 , he graduated from Wuhan University of Technology with a master's degree in business administration. He joined Huaxin Cement Plant (the predecessor of the company) in July 1989 , and served as a technology teacher at Huaxin Secondary School. From February 1993 to January 2000 , he served as an engineer in the engineering department of the company; from January 2000 to June 2012 Deputy director and director of the company's development department, general manager of the Tajikistan factory; since July 2012 , he has successively served as the deputy director of the company's strategic development center, the general manager of Hong Kong Investment Company, the general manager of the overseas business department, the person in charge of marketing and procurement, Head of Purchasing Logistics and Overseas Trade Department. From July 2012 to January 2016 , he served as the Assistant Vice President of the Company. January 2016 _Since January, he has been appointed as the Vice President of the Company.


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