Mary Mulhall

Partner at Hugh James

I have been representing claimants in asbestos disease cases since 2012, and specialize in mesothelioma, asbestosis and pleural thickening cases. I have represented clients in the UK, Spain and Ireland. I have represented a large number of claimants and successfully settled cases where both husband and wife have sadly been diagnosed with mesothelioma, later life asbestos exposure cases and a case brought 25 years after expiry of the limitation date. I have successfully represented claimants who were self-employed, those who worked with asbestos for a matter of days, secondary exposure cases including secretaries who have briefly entered factories and garages, and those exposed to asbestos as teenagers. I am passionate about my clients and my work. I am committed to supporting charities and organizations that work in support of mesothelioma sufferers.



  • Partner

    Current role