Terry Winland

Visitor Center Manager at Huntsville

Growing up in Huntsville as a child and returning as a young adult after being stationed overseas and at stateside Army bases with her father, mother and sisters, Terry Winland calls the Rocket City home. She brings twelve plus years of experience in tourism from the U.S. Space and Rocket Center, where she gave tours to individuals, groups, and dignitaries. In addition, she also scheduled and coordinated individual and group Space Camp adventures. A break to raise two wonderful sons allowed her to participate in the education of preschoolers, then on to management within the medical world at a private internal medicine clinic and a stint at UAB-Huntsville Regional Medical Campus as Clinic Coordinator for Internal Medicine. A myriad of experiences has helped to make her a well-rounded ambassador for the City of Huntsville. As Visitor Center Manager, she strives to help visitors and residents alike feel the excitement, see the beauty, learn the history and look forward to the bright future of Huntsville.


  • H

    Visitor Center Manager

    Current role