Nicolas Marionneau

Business and partnerships developer at Icademie

No bio yet


Previous companies

Pearson logo

Work style

How I prefer to work

Remote & Office


Mostly on my own

Qualities I value in my colleagues

  • Honesty
  • creativity
  • reliability
  • integrity
  • sense of humor

My communication style

  • Overcommunicative
  • proactive
  • genuine
  • casual
  • persuasive

My pet peeves

  • Poor communication
  • politics
  • selfishness
  • arrogance
  • ungratefulness

Fun fact

I recently purchased another guitar. Blues music is my drug.

Personal Q&A

  • How do you like to run meetings?

    - a clear schedule - a time to start and a time to end - clear questions - written collective answers - focus on creativity, open mind and kindness for everyone feel at ease to speak.