Julika Riegler

VP, Brand Marketing & Communications at IFAW

Animals are essential to our well-being from biodiversity to our beloved companion animals. The way we treat animals reflects on who we are as individuals and where we stand as community and global society.

Julika actively contributes to making the world a better place, evidenced by her lead role as communications partner for international NGOs and UN agency relations (UNICEF, Save the Children, MSF, IRC). Her extensive experience in communications includes retail, philanthropy and most recently conservation and animal welfare as Deputy Vice President of Global Communications for IFAW.

Previously as Communications Manager at the IKEA Foundation, she developed communication strategies comprised of multi-channel content for education programs, humanitarian and agricultural livelihood portfolios. Additionally, she led the foundation’s digital and social medial channels, growing their Facebook community to over 1.3 million followers.

Bridging her professional background from business and the corporate world to an NGO, is based on the believe that only by working together, cross sector, we will be able bring the urgently needed positive change for animals and the place we call home.

As Acting Vice President of Brand Marketing & Communications, Julika guides to a strongly skilled team to grow IFAW brand awareness, expanding our narrative to other sectors and helping to mobilize change makers for our work.

Julika holds a master in Public Relations with post graduate degrees in Politics and Media Law. Julika studied in her native country Germany and additionally in New Zealand. Currently, she calls The Netherlands home.