Susan E. Boudreau

President, Mobile Infirmary and VP Service Line Development, Infirmary Health at Infirmary Health

Susan E. Boudreau is the President of Mobile Infirmary, but she has served Infirmary Health in many capacities throughout her tenure. In 2015, Boudreau rejoined Infirmary Health as the vice president of oncology and was later appointed as the chief operating officer of Mobile Infirmary. Boudreau has a relentless dedication for her community of patients, employees and physicians. Her passion for Infirmary Health and its surrounding communities will allow for a seamless transition into her role as president of Mobile Infirmary.

Boudreau is a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives and serves on various community boards. She earned her bachelor's degree in science Medical Technology from the University of Alabama and her master's degree in science in Health Administration from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. During her time at Mobile Infirmary, she implemented a successful hospital-wide Total Quality Management initiative, enacted the utilization of teleradiology and assisted in the planning and design of a major expansion/relocation of the Emergency Department. Boudreau also led the development of Infirmary Health's Cancer Care program, including bringing on a new mobile cancer screening vehicle.