Rok Avbar

Vodja Upravljanja Procesa Produktnih Različic at Interblock Gaming

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  • Vodja Upravljanja Procesa Produktnih Različic

    January, 2024 - present

  • Head Of Independent Testing Laboratories And Analytics

    February, 2023

  • Product Issues Manager / Vodja Obvladovanja Produktnih Neskladnosti

    September, 2020

  • Senior Quality Assurance Engineer SW / Višji Inženir Kakovosti SW

    May, 2018

  • Inženir Kakovosti SW / SW Quality Engineer

    January, 2017

  • Razvojni Tehnolog | Development Technologist

    April, 2016

  • QA Product Specialist

    October, 2014

  • Ibhgl Engineer

    March, 2013