Intermediate District 287

1 follower

Intermediate District 287 serves 11 member school districts in Minnesota. Their district's mission is to be the premier provider of innovative specialized services to ensure that each member district can meet the unique learning needs of its students.





Org chart

Marcy Doud

Marcy Doud

Tonya Allen
Executive Director, Student Supports
Melissa Brateng
Director, Special Educaion, Student Support & Itinerant Services
Kim Helgeson
Director, Technology & Student Information System
Jon Voss
Director, Teaching & Learning
Camille Hepola
Director, Communications & Public Relations
Kiarra Zackery
Director, Equity & Inclusion
Elisabeth Lodge-Rogers
Assistant Superintendent of Programs & Services
Wauneen Denson-Mgeni
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent & School Board
Kurt Vredenburg
Buildings Operations Manager
Lea Dahl
Area Learning Center Principal
Amy Tiedens
Transportation Manager