Sydney P. Freedberg

Chief Reporter at International Consortium of Investigative Journalists

Sydney P. Freedberg is ICIJ's chief reporter, based in St. Petersburg, Florida.

She has worked on investigations that have been honored with four Pulitzer Prizes: a series about voter fraud in a Miami mayoral election that was subsequently overturned; a series profiling a politically influential sect leader, his followers and their ties to 14 homicides; Hurricane Andrew’s impact on South Florida; and stories about the peacetime deaths of sailors that led to Pentagon reforms.

Sydney majored in History and Literature at Harvard and was a Knight Fellow at Stanford, where she took courses in African-American History and mechanical engineering. She is the author of Brother Love: Murder, Money and a Messiah, chronicling the rise and fall of Yahweh Ben Yahweh (God the Son of God) and his Nation of Yahweh.



  • Chief Reporter

    Current role